The Importance of Social Capital

Recently I had a conversation with a DCFYI teen who is diligently looking for a job. Like most recent high school graduates she has some but not much work experience. She feels like she is doing the right things but they haven't led to employment and she is frustrated.

We talked about strategies and tasks (and not giving up) and then she said: "I just want someone to look at how hard I'm trying and say 'I'll take a chance and give her a job.' Is that too much to expect?"


“Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of others--”-Pablo

I know I talk a lot about the difference one person can make in a teen’s life, and it may sound kind of corny, but it’s true. One person can truly make a significant impact on another person’s life and to help persuade you I came prepared with quotes, an old folk tale, as well as facts and an example.

Mother's Day

I want to wish a happy Mother's Day to all mothers as today is a day to celebrate mothers - all mothers. But I also want to wish all a day of healing and hope, as today is not always a happy day.  Because if I am to be blunt and honest right now, I have to tell you that Mother's Day has not been the happiest or easiest day in my life....ever, not even today.  And my assumption is for many children in foster care or who have been adopted, it is not an easy day filled with just happiness either.
